Sleep Support 
One of the common things parents ask us is if we have any ideas, tips or tricks in supporting their child’s sleep at home 
We have made 2 sleepy bags based around sleep, with a sleep information hand out, a sleep training book with lots of tips and a range of resources which may help your child at home. This includes a fluffy hot water bottle, a routine board , some hot chocolate and children’s books relating to sleep and routine.
If you would like to borrow the sleepy bag for your child to support your routine at home, please just ask. 
There is a feedback book to share your own ideas with other parents too.
Please also see the Lullaby Trust for Safer Sleeping with your baby, it gives helpful information on sleeping positions, safer sleep in winter, co-sleeping, car seats and SIDS
About us – The Lullaby Trust
Tooth Brushing
We know from some of our families that tooth brushing can be a challenge. We are very passionate about giving children the best start in life and oral health has become a problem in the UK – a recent survey showed that a quarter of 5 year olds show signs of tooth decay and do not visit the dentist.

We have formed a relationship with 2 local dentists to s
upport us with this and they come in regularly to talk to the older children and explain the importance of regular tooth brushing and regular visits to the dentist. We talk about good oral health habits as part of our curriculum to help to protect our little ones teeth. Our 3 aims are:
Keep sugary and acidic food and drinks to mealtimes.
Brush teeth at least twice a day with a fluoride toothpaste.
Visit the dentist regularly.

As well as this we have created a home learning back for you to borrow which has engaging resources, information, sequencing cards, tooth brushing charts, songs, books and stickers to support you with this at home. There’s also a free toothbrush 

If anyone has any resources that we could borrow or know any dentists that would like to come in please let us know 
Speech, Language and Communication
Speech, language and communication skills are crucial to young children’s overall development.
Being able to speak clearly and process speech sounds, to understand others, to express ideas and interact with others are fundamental building blocks for a child’s development. As NHS waiting times for targeted speech therapy is so long we have decided to make speech and language our main focus this year. As part of our every day practice we will be doing lots of activities to hone in on these really important skills and boost self esteem and confidence.
*Remember developmental milestones are a guide, and every child is different*
To help support our focus of speech, language and communication with the older children we have purchased lots of games and produced a lending library for you all to enjoy games together at home.
The games will help to
Develop language,
Learn new vocabulary
Develop matching skills
Develop memory skills
Promote turn taking
Encourage problem solving skills
Develop observational skills
Help with number and letter recognition
Support colour recognition
Help in group play situations and sharing
We will put them in a box and in the entrance hall and you are welcome to borrow, play and return as many times as you like.
The games all have instructions with them and all that we ask is that you return all the pieces so everyone can enjoy them.
The most important thing is to have fun with your child, even a quick 5 minutes a day can help with listening, attention and communication.
Any questions, feedback or suggestions will be gratefully received 
We hope you enjoy them.
We have also invested in some intensive training to support all of children through – Stoke Speaks Out. This is an award-winning multi-agency initiative developed to tackle a high incidence of language delay identified in the early years. The programme has successfully reduced the percentage of 3-4-year-olds starting school with early language delay in Stoke and Staffordshire and supports school readiness across the county.
Boogie Mites range of age-specific music programmes provides a holistic and creative way to boost key developmental goals. It has given the team knowledge and confidence to maximise the brain-boosting power of music with fun activities everyone will love to lead. The songs are amazing and the children are really enjoying the sessions.
We also have qualifications in Makaton and the Elklan approach to ensure we are can effectively support all children with their speech, language and communication needs.